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 هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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نقاط التميز : 380
  : هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3 C13e6510
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/06/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3   هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3 I_icon_minitimeالأحد نوفمبر 09, 2008 4:56 am

بسم الله الرحمان...
لقدم لكم اليوم اغاني النجم

هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3 Somebodysme2

لكثرة الطلب على هذه الاغنية اليكم

Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me

اغنية معبرة جدا ورومانسية بشكل...

من البوم انريكي الجديد ... (2007)...

هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3 0b6b5438-4907-47e3-8308-146d0f0e1a00

للتحميــــــل Downlod ::: Mp3 :::

Enrique iglesias-Somebodys Me.mp3[/HIDE-REPLY]

Enrique Iglesias Somebody's Me Lyrics

You, do you remember me?,
Like, I remember you?
Do you spend your life, going back in your mind to that time?,
Cause I, I walk the streets alone,
I hate being on my own, and everyone can see that,
I really fell, and I'm going through hell.
Thinking about you with somebody else.

Somebody wants you,
Somebody needs you.
Somebody dreams about you every single night.
Somebody cant breathe, without you it's lonely.
Somebody hopes that one day you will see, that somebody's me.
That somebody's me. yeaa...

How, how did we go wrong?
It was so good, and now it's gone,
And I pray at night, that our path's soon will cross.
What we had, isn't lost.
Cause you are always right here in my thoughts..

Somebody wants you,
Somebody needs you.

Somebody dreams about you every single night.
Somebody can't breathe, without you it's lonely.
Somebody hopes that someday you will see,
That somebody's me. Oh yeah...

You will always be in my life, even if im not in your life.
Cause you're in my memory...

You, when you remember me?...
And before you set me free, oh listen please...

Somebody wants you,
Somebody needs you.
Somebody dreams about you every single night.
Somebody cant breathe, without you it's lonely.
Somebody hopes that someday you will see, that somebody's me.
That somebody's me.
Somebody's me...
That somebody's me...
That somebody's me...
Oh yeah...

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هذه الاغنية اليكم Enrique Iglesias-Somebody's Me تحميل mp3
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